What I Learned this week?

We had our first initial session on presentation. I had to change group due to full teaching commitment. It was interesting as I had picked a presentation based on Game Based Learning and its impact on Students learning outcome. The Pedagogy of this type of learning stems from ‘experiential Learning’ or ‘action learning’. According to the model, action learning techniques resulted in up to 90% retention and people learn better through teaching styles that involve ( Quentin, 2016, P. 138). Peter Mortimore exerts the best way to understand pedagogy is to see it as craft of teaching (Mortimore, 1999,p.3). through experiential learning , learners learn more through what they do that what they hear or read . According to the chosen article Video games is one of them. Students can learn and engage with the taught disciple in far more efficient way (Quintin, 2016).

Kilb’s (1984) cycle of learning demonstrations experiential process in which we learn through.

The process entails use of :

Knowledge, we did aquire in the past;

Activity, the application of old knowledge to real world;

Reflection, The analysis and synthesis of knowledge activity;


The presentation was chosen due to my personal interest in Object-based learning. Coming from a theoretical background it is fascinating to observe and study and learn how OBL can help the way we teach in further engagement and can enhance learning experience.


Kolb, D. A. (1984).  Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Quinton, G, (2016), “Gameducation: a project prototyping games for education”, Spark: Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, Vol 1, Issue 2, PP 130-142;

Mortimore, P. (1999) Understanding pedagogy and its impact on learning. London: Paul
Chapman Publishing.