This article is written by Kairani Baroka, an artist, educator and writer. She has dedicated the article to her pen her experience and lessons learned from touring a show on pain with limited access to resources . Whilst conducting those shows she was in sever pain . She writes of her experience as an Indonesian woman who toured UK, Australia and India for her artistic show, in particular performing in Deaf Accessible venues.

She tells her story of not being heard by health system on the host country even she had access to student insurance. She was not visible enough as being a woman of different ethnicity with international background.

She draws reader’s attention to issues such as intersection of accessibility, and framing of disabled performers from non-western backgrounds.

She draws our attention to issues facing art performance for :

1- Acknowledging further catering and service needed for disabled artists and audience alike for the venues provided.

2- Highlighting the mental health importance, specially of performing artists specially those with disabilities.

3- Understanding the lack of treatment and pain severity, particularly for brown women with non-western background. Partly also for their lack of knowledge of healthcare system (not been fully informed of existing services) .

How Could you Apply the Resources to your own teaching?

It makes me conscious of International students studying with us at LCF and in case they need to be guided to right channels to seek appropriate help with appropriate professional guidance in order to get support with their education or employment.

How could you integrate this research into your own practice? Cite and example:

The mental health issue was massively highlighted during pandemic with International body of our students and it was of utmost important to slow the teaching tone and be more empathetic towards our students, who happen to live miles away from their families and felt trapped either in a oreign country momentarily / went home but felt detached from their studies.