Religion is Public and not a Private good
According to the text religion has always played an important role in British public life, but this has changed in more recent years. In a sense we should be happy the religious fights between different sectors of Christianity is over and British Catholics got offered full British rights back in 19th century. Back in mid 20th century archbishop of Canterbury , William Temple was the foremost clergyman advocating a Social Welfare state and the obligation to build such system… Fast forward to most recent years it seems here in Britain we are aiming more towards dismantling the Social Welfare system rather than building it up…
Religion has not vanished from British public life but certainly marginalised and one question to ask is: how it will impact the society. Professor Mahmood also mentions the important role of state by advocating religious as a binding element in society and its role of a National church/ churches as key organisers of public goods. In this he has taken positive examples of the active role Lutheran church plays in Danish public life even though majority of Danes do not identify themselves as practicing Christians, yet they could organise and attend weddings and funerals through church . This cements the national church and their role in public life even in more secular and accepting society.
Multiculturalism heralds the acceptance towards different type of religions celebrated by all walks of society in todays Britain. It is initially associated with new social movement and identity politics of gender, sexuality and race in Western Europe it is mainly has been recognised as institutional accommodation of post immigration and ethno- religious minorities. Multiculturalism involves reversal of marginalisation. In a sense it is an attempt to remake national citizenship for all ethnic groups living in Britain feel part of society and not to be marginalised.
However with the emergence of Islamic radicalism, multiculturalism as a concept has found itself at the forefront of the debate as less popular approach since it could be used as a medium to help voice fundamentalist’s view in a more secular society.
Although Multiculturalism is beyond toleration , and it involves active support of cultural divergence, and revolves around building a cultural bridge in order to create a healthy atmosphere of dialogue between all parts of society including those ethnic minorities feeling marginaliased due to their different religions and ethnic background.
What is important to note is this multiculturalism can manifest itself in a positive way through listening to the demands of different religions groups, encouraging dialogue between these groups. Moreover it can also manifest itself through funding Muslim churches / schools, and bringing governance and promoting inter-faith relations at all level of public life.
Question to be asked form the Text:
How multiculturalism can help to advocate and embrace other aspects of non religious tolerance including LGBT rights and their presence and impact on public religious life if they choose to practice?