The UAL Disability Service Webpage is an informative page which give ample information on the services and funding’s needed for different types of learning and physical disability. The information provided has good definition of disabilities, ways to communicate with disability team in order to get assessment. Fund application for people in need of the extra support and as well a great webpage encouraging students to leave feedback for further assessment of service being provided.

How could you apply the resources to your own teaching practice?

Very important. Prior to start my PGCET I would have relied on academic support team to engage students with the services being provided, but now I more conscious to include and talk through the website upon my initial opening Unit Leader lecture. It is important for students feel supported and protected if they have learning or access disabilities and I am glad I have familiarized myself with the content being provided.

Can you cite examples?

Most of the time since I am more engaged with Year 3/ postgraduate level students they are fully aware of dyslexia and other physical disability that might impact them. However most important of all is to give positive and supportive support during their studies. My personal experience and my high attention more so dedicated to dealing with anxiety. During years of teaching, I have noticed high level of students suffering from anxiety and I am very much conscious of dealing with individual cases and giving them their own personal space and supporting them and guide them to right channels to seek extra support. For both postgraduate and final year students graduating with good marks has turned into a very big challenge and pressure, and I vividly see this when I am supervising in on one-to-one bases. Based on my experience ,It is important to acknowledge the pressure and give confidence to them by being a better listener, helping them to think in broader context and always acknowledge what they are achieving in a bigger picture. One way also to deal with anxiety I assume is acknowledging it and addressing it both professionally and empathetically. Us as educator have a big responsibility to support our students and make sure the guidance being provided by university will not be materilised unless us as part of the system also give a voice and empathetic face to this.