The website is UAL website informing the reader on Religion, Faith identities. You could browse through the website and read different case studies.

I was fascinated in particular by 3 case studies that has been shared by Couse leaders of UAL. The first one is an ice breaker exercise which one of course leader has used during the years for new students in order to be making student to ask each other various questions from easy to deep questions. This creates a sharing and conversational environment which helps people get to know each in a friendly manner. The questions could range from :”What is in your Fridge”, to ” Tell me about your faith”. The idea is to create an easy conversation around more deep and sensitive matters like faith. Other case studies and reflections in similar manner have attended to issues surrounding our positionality and faith which opens your eyes to aspects relating to these sensitive yet important manners.

How could you apply the resources to your own teaching practice?

The case studies in particular addresses how we can create an unbiased and conversational atmosphere in our classrooms as educators. Some of them have mentioned how we can use our own positionality as lecturers and share them with our students whilst asking them to share theirs. identity is very personal yet important matter.

How could you integrate the work your students do on this subject into your
teaching practice?

Case studies as examples for best practice:

As per the case studies , we can co-create the positive teaching environment by sharing our own positionality and our own stance with our students and ask them to share theirs. By being open and accepting and being conscious of this we can create a more positive and dynamic learning environment. Through this we will be co-creating our learning journey as educators and students.

Articles for source of discussion:

There are also fascinating and interesting reading lists listed which mainly focuses on art and religion and its impact on modern art. Certainly by knowing the resources are here I can either individually use different relevant resources or guide students to read and benefit the link for further reflection.

Can you cite examples?

Interestingly since I am Business Studies lecturer, I had never had the chance to address my line of studies from this angle, however all these resources are strongly important for research proposals and topics that I am supervising. I am planning to adopt these topics and resources when I supervise research students. Faith and Identity and its impact on fashion designer career/ choosing a career, studying influencers who convey strong identities through these lenses.